Todd’s Audio Journey

The super-patient salesperson allowed us to listen to several speakers in my price range. At that time, I didn’t speak any audiophile language – I only knew what I heard and tried to tell him what I liked and didn’t like. The two-way with the 6” mid & woofer had great vocals but the one with the 8” mid & woofer had much fuller sounding bass. Both were a shock to me as I had never heard a speaker sound so clear and articulate. When I asked how to get both the clear vocals AND the full bass, he said “Give me just a few minutes”. Out came a 3-way pair of B&W 640i’s with the Kevlar midrange and two 8” woofers. WOW! Blown away! The obvious next question is “How much are those?” “Just listen”, he said. “We can discuss price in a bit”. After several different tracks, I had to have these. The pair was $1500 ($500 over our budget), but they had exactly what I wanted.
Thus started my quest for greater and greater sound. For the first 10 to 15 years of my journey, I really meandered around. I read lots of reviews; visited stores wherever we traveled; and would buy this or that piece of gear based on magazine reviews or store display. I started hearing differences in gear – VERY COOL. I had what I though was good sound, but it certainly wasn’t as good as a live concert. I was really dissatisfied with what I had at home even though I spent a substantial amount of money. Mostly I hopped from track to track, never listening to the entire piece. The music was not engaging!
If some of this describes your experience, I am here to help. Vibrant HiFi is not a dealer that wants to “sling” boxes. I am here to show you what can be achieved with two-channel stereo. Most importantly I am here to help you establish a road map – how to systematically improve the sound of your system. If you are tired of going sideways or in circles, please reach out and let’s talk
All the best on your journey,